
ALGERIA Contenuto disponibile in Italiano Martyrs of Tibhirine. Mons. Desfarges (Archbishop of Algiers) “bearing witness to God’s love for everyone, without distinction”

xtib375 50586840 755x491.jpg.pagespeed.ic.19p7nYRcHfNineteen martyrs killed in Algeria in the years 1994 -1996 will be beatified on Saturday 8 December at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Holy Cross in Oran. Pope Francis has nominated Cardinal Angelo Becciu, Prefect of the Congregation for Saints, as his “special envoy.” Monsignor Paul Desfarges, Archbishop of Algiers: “It’s a great joy. With the beatification of 19 martyrs the Church restores them as models of Gospel witness in this Country"
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