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Pope Urges Frank Discussion in Search for Christian Unity

Pope Benedict said he was greatly encouraged by the significant steps made in relations with the Orthodox Churches Friday when he met with members of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity at the end of their Plenary Assembly.

In his address to delegates, led by Council President Cardinal Walter Kasper, Pope Benedict highlighted what he described as a growing and "sincere spirit of friendship between Catholics and Orthodox".

He mentioned the latest document published by the Mixed International Commission for theological dialogue between the Catholic Church and Orthodox Church, which he said opens a "positive perspective of the relationship between the primacy and collegiality of the Church". This argument said pope Benedict is of "crucial importance in relations with our Orthodox brothers" and will be the subject of future encounters.

Ecumenism continued the Pope, urges us to be fraternal and generous. Spiritual ecumenism, he added is at the very core of full communion in faith "in sacraments and ministry", and charity he concluded, cannot be overlooked, because charity is what helps Christians to search for unity in Christ.

Pope Benedict then turned his attention to other areas where he said the ecumenical situation had greatly changed, urging even greater efforts towards frank discussion:

He said "New communities and groups are emerging, new tendencies are taking shape and sometimes even tensions between Christian communities. In these cases theological dialogue is of increasing importance, because it is concerned with the concrete areas of the various Churches and ecclesial communities".

Theological dialogue, concluded Pope Benedict, is the key to re-establishing full communion, for which all Christians long.
© Radio Vaticana