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The Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, Alexius II, rejoices with Pope Benedict XVI "for the growing perspectives to develop good relationships and positive collaboration between our Churches". That's the message sent by the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church to Pope Benedict XVI, through the archbishop of Naples, Card. Crescenzio Sepe, who met him last October 1st. The contents of the letter were made known yesterday by the Patriarchate of Moscow. They appear on the 23 October's edition of "L'Osservatore Romano", and will also appear on the number of "Nuova Stagione" to be published this week. Nuova Stagione is the weekly magazine of the diocese of Naples. "The solid base" of cooperation between the two Churches - wrote Alexius II - is made up of our common roots and our common views on many questions afflicting the world today. I am convinced of the fact that the greatest revelation of the Gospel, ‘God is love', should become a vital path for everyone regarding himself as follower of Christ, because only through our account of this mystery we can overcome the discord and alienation in this century, proclaiming the eternal values of Christianity and the modern world".
News by SIR