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42 new archbishops appointed in the past twelve months will receive the Pallium

On Sunday 29 June Feast of Saints Peter and Paul the Holy Father Benedict XVI will celebrate Mass in St Peter's Basilica, with the participation of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I. Some 42 Archbishops from all over the world appointed in the past 12 months will concelebrate with the Pope from whom they will receive the sign of their office, the Pallium. Archbishop William D'Souza, S.I., of Patna, India, and Archbishop Edward Tamba Charles of Freetown and Bo, Sierra Leone, unable to attend, will receive the Pallium from the hands of the Papal Representative in their country. Here are the names of the Archbishops:
EUROPE - Archbishop Francisco Pérez González, of Pamplona y Tudela (Spain); Archbishop Paolo Pezzi, F.S.C.B., of Mother of God archdiocese in Moscow (Russian Federation); Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz of Minsk-Mohilev (Belo Russia); Archbishop Giancarlo Maria Bregantini, C.S.S., of Campobasso-Boiano (Italy); Archbishop Reinhard Marx, of München und Freising (Germany); Archbishop Willem Jacobus Eijk, of Utrecht (Holland); Archbishop José Francisco Sanches Alves of Évora (Portogal); Giovanni Paolo Benotto of Pisa (Italy); Archbishop Stanislav Zvolenský of Bratislava (Slovakia); Archbishop Francesco Montenegro of Agrigento (Italy); Archbishop Laurent Ulrich of Lille (France); Archbishop Sławoj Leszek Głodz of Gdansk (Poland); Archbishop Marin Srakić of Djakovo-Osijek (Croatia).
AFRICA - Cardinal John Njue, Archbishop of Nairobi (Kenya); Archbishop Michel Christian Cartatéguy, S.M.A., of Niamey (Níger); Archbishop Matthew Man-Oso Ndagoso of Kaduna (Nigeria); Archbishop Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo); Archbishop Richard Anthony Burke, S.P.S., of Benin City (Nigeria); Archbishop Thomas Kwaku Mensah of Kumasi (Ghana); Archbishop Peter J. Kairo of Nyeri (Kenya).
ASIA - His Beatitude Fouad Twal, Patriarch of Jerusalem of the Latins; Archbishop John Hung Shan-Chuan, S.V.D., of Taipei (Taiwan); Archbishop John Lee Hiong Fun-Yit Yaw of Kota Kinabalu (Malaysia);
AMERICA - Archbishop Edwin Frederick O'Brien, of Baltimore (United States of America); Archbishop Lorenzo Voltolini Esti, of Portoviejo (Ecuador); Archbishop Andrés Stanovnik O.F.M. Cap., of Corrientes (Argentina); Archbishop Anthony Mancini of Halifax (Canada); Archbishop Martin William Currie, of Saint John's, Newfoundland (Canada); Archbishop Mauro Aparecido dos Santos, di Cascavel (Brazil); Archbishop Oscar Urbina Ortega, from Villavicencio (Colombia); Archbishop Antonio José López Castillo, of Barquisimeto (Venezuela); Archbishop Agustín Roberto Radrizzani, S.D.B., of Mercedes-Luján (Argentina); Archbishop Robert Rivas, O.P., of Castries (Santa Lucia); Archbishop Louis Kébreau, S.D.B., of Cap Haitien (Haiti); Archbishop Joseph Serge Miot of Port-au-Prínce (Haiti); Archbishop Thomas John Rodi of Mobile (United States of America); Donald James Reece of Kingston in Jamaica (Jamaica); John Clayton Nienstedt, from Saint Paul and Minneapolis (United States of America). Archbishop Luís Gonzaga Silva Pepeu O.F.M. Cap., of Vitória da Conquista (Brazil)
OCEANIA - Archbishop John Ribat, M.S.C., of Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea).
Pallium is a special liturgical woollen scarf worn over the chasuble. It is a symbol of the Good Shepherd and the Lamb crucified for the salvation of the world. As Pope John Paul II said in an audience with new Archbishops on June 30 2004, " Since the ninth century, the Archbishops appointed to Metropolitan Sees have received from the Pope a special liturgical emblem - the "Pallium" - as an attestation of communion with the Bishop of Rome.... Still today, the sign of the Pallium preserves its unique eloquence. It expresses the fundamental principle of communion which gives every aspect of ecclesial life its shape; it recalls that this communion is organic and hierarchical; it shows that the Church, in order to be one, is in need of the special service of the Church of Rome and of her Bishop, Head of the Episcopal College (cf. Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation."

News by Agenzia FIDES