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Interview (Re)thinking Europe. Mons. Proykov: “Bulgaria would not have achieved these results without the EU”

Mons. Christo ProykovThe President of Bulgarian bishops considers EU adhesion an important step towards democracy and economic development. However, problems linger on, and today, he said, we are witnessing widespread “apathy” and distance from the community dream.

The role of religion in the continent and the prelate’s expectations ahead of the Vatican meeting of October 27-29

  Europe arrives also in the periphery. Bulgaria joined the EU 10 years ago; this path ushered in political and economic security and furthered the improvement of people’s lives. “Indeed, we had great expectations, and that is why we are presently noticing a certain apathy”, Mons. Christo Proykov, Apostolic Exarch, president of the Bulgarian Bishops’ Conference, told SIR. Msgr. Proykov will represent Bulgaria at the dialogue forum “(Re)thinking Europe –. A Christian contribution to the future of the European project”, organized by COMECE and the Holy See in the Vatican from 27 to 29 October 2017, where he will bring the experience of Bulgaria.

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