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bartolomeo-I-kek(Lyons) “Only by dialoguing and cooperating very closely will the Churches be able to proclaim the Gospel of Christ to the world in a convincing and effective way”. These words opened in Lyons, yesterday afternoon, the much-awaited speech of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, in the Auditorium of the Congress Centre, where over 750 delegates from 126 Christian Churches (Orthodox, Protestant, Anglican and Old Catholic ones) celebrated the 50th anniversary of Kek (1959). In his speech, the Patriarch addressed the future of the ecumenical movement in Europe. “In this respect – he said –, we would like to point out that cooperation between Kek and the Council of European Bishops Conferences has been essential and productive. To improve such ecumenical work, we propose that such cooperation between these two organisations should be organised and structured better”. The Catholic Church is not a member of Kek, although it has close relations with it. The two European organisations have co-promoted initiatives and important ecumenical events in Europe. Considering the possibility for Ccee to join the Kek – the Patriarch admitted – would involve “preliminary work and amendments to the regulations”.  “However – Bartholomew I went on –, we believe that a Conference of all, and I insist on the ‘all’, the European Churches may respond better and consistently to the sacred commandment of restoring ecclesial communion and serving contemporary man, who is facing a multitude of complex problems”. Then, speaking to the archbishop of Lyons, Philippe Barbarin, who was sitting in the front row in the auditorium of Lyons, Bartholomew said: “I ask this in particular of card. Barbarin, so that he can ask the people concerned”. In resuming his speech, the Patriarch pointed out that only by implementing a close cooperation between the Churches, “will dialogue between the European Churches and the European institutions and the European Union be more effectively promoted”. “The future of the new Europe that is being built, without the Christian spiritual values”, said the Patriarch, promises to be “sad and uncertain”. “Christians, Jews and Muslims have been dialoguing for some years now for the promotion of peace and for reconciliation. Everybody is desperately looking for hope. That’s why no retreat would be justified. On the contrary, cooperation between our Churches as well as cooperation with the European leaders in charge of politics, economics and social welfare is not just necessary, it is an imperative”.

(Lyons) Card. Philippe Barbarin will write directly to the Pope to inform him of the proposal that Patriarch Bartholomew I made last night in Lyons, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Kek, i.e. the idea of setting up a Conference of all the Christian Churches of Europe which the Catholic Church has been called to join in too. This is how the archbishop of Lyons – questioned by the press during the General Assembly of Kek in Lyons – replied to the request that Patriarch Bartholomew I personally made him during his speech. “The Patriarch – the cardinal said – expressed the hope that relations with the Catholic Church may become more intensive, and in this statement he went beyond that”. The archbishop points out that the proposal made by the Patriarch is not “new”, because “this issue was already raised by the Churches in the past”. In addition, the archbishop points out that this issue involves “major structural changes” and some correlation with the non-participation of the Catholic Church in the World Council of Churches”.
And he added: “However, I can personally say that this appeal has been listened to. It was a powerful, hopeful and fraternal appeal. Then, the Patriarch spoke to me personally, so that I can bring this message of his to the people concerned. What I can do is write to the Pope, I will tell him I have been at the 50th anniversary of Kek and that Patriarch Bartholomew I entrusted me to be his messenger, a task I am glad to accept”. Then, the archbishop pointed out that “two levels” must be distinguished here: on one side, “the concrete ground of cooperation which does exist and can be certainly improved”, and, on the other side, “the issue of the integration of the structure that needs to be reflected upon”. Questioned by the press, Jean Arnold de Clemornt, president of Kek, explained: “We believe there can be a Council of all the Christian Churches of Europe, a place where all the Christians of Europe can meet and develop a joint message to be given to the European societies. In other words, this means meeting all together around a table and ask ourselves what are the big issues that Christians can find agreement about. It is a feasible project, especially after the third European Ecumenical Assembly of Sibiu, where 2,500 delegates of all the Churches of Europe said they want to create a joint testimony – and I believe this is possible”.

© SIR 20 luglio 2009