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islam-e-croce-2“A very moving visit”: interviewed by the journalists, who waited for him in Piazza del Sant’Uffizio in Rome, Jerzy Buzek, the president of the European Parliament, described in these words the private audience he had this morning with Benedict XVI. “In these difficult times of crisis – he said – it is very important for me to meet a man of deep faith and great wisdom, even for what he, as a Pope, can do for the entire community of peoples, within and outside Europe”. Among the topical issues discussed, the president of the European Parliament mentions “the recent events in North Africa and the Middle East”. “We expressed the hope that they might lead to the democratisation and development of civil society and the protection of human rights”, he says. “Besides that, we also highlighted the importance of fighting for the rights of religious minorities, particularly those of Christian minorities in these regions of the world, but also in the rest of the world”. In fact, “the protection of religious freedom is always a fundamental requirement for the establishment of a truly democratic society”. During the meeting, Buzek continues, “we also talked about the forthcoming beatification of John Paul II, recalling his speech at the European Parliament in Strasbourg in 1988, in which the Pontiff reaffirmed the importance for Europe to breathe with its two lungs”.

“In the European Union we are now breathing with two lungs – Buzek observed – but it is important to recall this once again”. Then, renewing the invitation already addressed to Benedict XVI to deliver a speech before the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the President of the European Parliament highlighted the importance of the Treaty of Lisbon and of Article 17 on “institutional dialogue between the representatives of the European institutions and the representatives of the Churches and religious institutions”. “I believe – he observed – that the long meeting with the Pope and the following one with the Secretary of State can be very useful, from many viewpoints, even for looking at today’s Europe from different perspectives”. “The Solidarnosc movement and Poland – he told Polish journalists – have played a very important role in giving today’s Europe and Christianity their face. In fact, solidarity is at the basis of Christianity”. Another topic discussed during the audience, he concluded, is “the secularisation of the continent”, an issue that even for Buzek is “important” and “worrying”.

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