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l_NikEterovic“While evangelisation is, let’s say, the ‘everyday’ business of the Church, proselytism consists in using illegal means to promote faith. The Church does not do proselytism, and, when it speaks of new evangelisation, it means to go different directions, even that of people who have already been baptised but who have maybe gone astray”: this was said by mgr. Nikola Eterovic, secretary general of the Synod, today in the Vatican, at the press conference for presentation of the “Lineamenta” of the Episcopal Synod about new evangelisation, planned for October 2012. “The Gospel – he went on – cannot be imposed, it is freely offered to anyone, Christians and non Cristians. So, an initial evangelisation can also be done with those immigrants who come to countries of ancient Christianisation. Then, they will be free to accept or reject the announcement and eventually approach Christianity and its core, which is Christ”. Then, mgr. Eterovic pointed out that one of today’s means for the announcement consists of “the new media, where the Church is called to do more and do better, because the new technology is a very significant modern areopagus”.

© www.agensir.it march 4th 2011