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Patriarch Sviatoslav blessed the opening of the 350th jubilee of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk

b5eb4f632eHeads of three traditional Christian Churches visited the capital of Subcarpathia to participate in the celebrations of the 350th jubilee of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk.  Patriarch Sviatoslav (Shevchuk), UGCC Head, met Patriarch Filaret, Primate UOC (KP), and Metropolitan Mefodiy, Primate UAOC, in the Holy Resurrection Metropolitan Cathedral UGCC in  Ivano-Frankivsk, reported Rev. Yuriy Trukhan,  Press Secretary, Ivano-Frankivsk Archeparchy.

At the Cathedral, the Ivano-Frankivsk Spiritual Seminary Choir greeted the church primates with the Easter hymn “Khrystos Voskres.”  After a prayer, Patriarch Sviatoslav blessed the jubilee city banner and together with the heads of the Orthodox Churches and the Bishops of UGCC, UOC KP and UAOC, accompanied by clergy, proceeded to City Hall Square.  There the religious leaders met with city residents and with representatives of city and oblast administrations, who invited them to festively inaugurate the celebrations and to bless the city.

Mayor Viktor Anushkevychus, expressed his appreciation to the guests for joining the Ivano-Frankivsk jubilee celebrations.  He noted that in spite of all the various tragic events, the city always resurrected from the ashes.  He also informed the audience that May 5 is the birthday of Patriarch Sviatoslav and extended greetings to him and then proceeded to the opening ceremony.   After the anthem, greetings were extended by Mykhailo Vyshyvaniuk, Oblast State Administration, by Oleksandr Sych, Oblast Council Head, and by Tymofiy Kokhan, Vice-Minister of Culture.

The blessing started with a joint Moleben to the Blessed Mother during which each Church primate said a prayer of blessing and greeted the audience and all city dwellers.

UGCC Primate in his greetings emphasized that Ivano-Frankivsk is a city of young people who are creative, active, spiritual and intellectual, and who are the future of Ukraine.  In greeting all, he presented the mayor with a banner –as one of victory and hoped that it would become the official  city flag (audio, sermon of Patriarch Sviatoslav).

Gifts were also presented by Primates from UOC KP and UAOC -- Patriarch Filaret recognized the city head with the Order of St.Volodymyr, while on the eve of the Feastday of St. George, Metropolitan Mefodiy presented him with an icon of St. George the Conqueror and awarded him the Order of St. George.

Participants in the jubilee celebrations included representatives of UGCC: Archbishop and Metropolitan of Ivano-Frankivsk (Viytyshyn); Bishop Bohdan (Dziurakh), Secretary, Synod of Bishops UGCC; Kolomyia-Chernivtsi Eparchy Bishop Mykola (Simkaylo);   Bishop Emeritus of Ivano-Frankivsk Archeparchy, Bishop Sofron (Mudryi);  of  UOC KP:  Ivano-Frankivsk and Halych Metropolitan Iosaf (Vasylkiv),  Kolomyia-Kosiv Bishop Ivan (Boychuk); of UAOC: Halych and Ivano-Frankivsk Metropolitan  Andriy (Abramchul).

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