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moschea01g 2Leaders of Christian Churches and Muslim representatives of Cyprus have met in a seminary to ask for freedom of religion and respect of human rights in the whole island. The meeting was set up by the Delegation of the Church of Cyprus at EU institutions, and by the Commission “Church and Society” of the Conference of European Churches (KEK) within the Cyprus presidency of the European Union.
Minister of the Interior of the Cyprus Republic Eleni Mavrou, representatives of the Church of Cyprus with Archbishop Chrysostomos II, the leader of the Maronite Catholic Church Msgr. Youssef Soueif, and the leaders of the Armenian and Anglican Churches took part in it. Shakir Alemdar, Imam of the Mosque of Hala Sultan Tekke, Larnaka, representing Grand Mufti of Cyprus Talip Atala took part in the works, too. “Though people may visit places of worship after the unilateral opening of mountain border posts, in 2003, free circulation and access to places of worship is one of the main reasons for concern in Cyprus”, said a press release made known by KEK today. “Holy places should be open to cult with no restrictions”, it is said in the final note. In the northern, occupied part of the island there is a small minority of Christians. “Churches and cemeteries are destroyed, kept in bad conditions or changed into mosques, cultural centres or warehouses”, it is the denunciation in the press release.
Bishop Porphyrios of Neapolis from the delegation of the Church of Cyprus at the EU institutions asked for “a stronger action by the EU Commission and the European Parliament to recover freedom of religion in the north of the island”. It is the same appeal to the European representatives launched by His Beatitude Chrysostomos II, Archbishop of Cyprus at the beginning of the seminary: "We ask you to exercise your influence in such a way that freedom of religion becomes real for all Cyprus, Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot citizens". Archbishop Varoujan Hergelian from the Armenian Apostolic Church of Cyprus declared: "We are waiting for the day in which we shall all be able to celebrate freely the Holy Mass and religious ceremonies in all the Churches of Cyprus, to live in peace and harmony with all our compatriots, and to enjoy the right to religious freedom together”. "Cyprus - said Msgr. Youssef Soueif - has the ability originating from its history, its culture, and its sufferings; in Europe, it may become a model and prototype of dialogue for life". "May this region - added the Maronite archbishop - demonstrate that coexistence is not a utopia and that destruction and prejudice are the last words”. Moreover, in the debate, it was underlined that “granting freedom of religion is a preliminary condition to the solution of the problem of Cyprus, not a consequence”. They underlined the importance of the role of leaders and religious communities in educating the young, above all, to be tolerant, to live together in peace, and to respect human rights.

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